Find Your WAI with Lindsey Means

#29 - Every Day Is The Best Day Ever

Season 3 Episode 29

You may be thinking that I’m crazy to say that every day can be the best day ever, I would have thought the same thing a few years ago. I can tell you from experience that when you set an intention that this will be the best day ever, every single day, it comes true. 

  • Valentines Day
    • Around Valentine's day, I was frustrated
    • Focusing so hard on manifestation, and money mindset 
    • I wasn’t seeing results. 
    • Valentine's day this year, my life changed
    • I made the decision that every day was going to be the best day ever and I was going to find so much satisfaction in life. 
    • I had a revelation that every situation in life is an opportunity to grow, and that I can choose to be happy every day, and look for satisfaction in every moment
  • RAS
    • In the last video, we talked about RAS, a bundle of nerves at our brainstem that filters out unnecessary information so the important stuff gets through. 
    • When you set the intention that “This is going to be the best day ever” you are telling RAS that you want to have an amazing day and your brain is going to seek out information that validates that belief
  • Not Ignoring Reality
    • Shit happens
    • Choosing different thoughts
    • Pivoting
  • My Beliefs
    • Life is neither good nor bad
    • Our thoughts control our reality
    • Thinking better thoughts
  • Commit to curiosity and compassion during this journey!
    • This journey isn’t easy, it takes daily practice but it’s worth it! 

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